Food Gal Contest: Pop Along for Popchips

Cheddar Popchips go my heart.

I said I wasn’t going to lose my head

But then Popchips! Go my heart

(Popchips! Go My Heart)

Apologies to Hugh Grant, who so deftly performed a wicked parody of an ’80’s pop band in the film, “Music and Lyrics” with the catchy, goofy song, “Pop Goes My Heart.” But somehow, I can’t help but hear a version of that silly refrain whenever I think of this California-made snack product.

For those who haven’t yet discovered Popchips, they are an all-natural crispy potato snack food that is neither baked nor fried. Instead, a combination of heat and pressure is used in some mysterious way to create these round disks that have the addicting crunch of potato chips, but no trans fat, no cholesterol, no preservatives, and little or no saturated fat. They’re also certified kosher. A one-ounce serving has 120 calories.

Popchips come in seven flavors, including Sea Salt & Vinegar, Barbecue, and Sour Cream & Onion. They’re available at Costco, Whole Foods, Safeway, Lucky’s, BevMo, Jamba Juice, Target, and other stores.

Three lucky readers of FoodGal, however, will get a free sample of every flavor.


By telling me three things that make your heart go pop. The three people who respond with the most imaginative or memorable answers will win free Popchips.

Deadline to enter: End of the day, July 25. The three winners will be announced July 27.  And sorry, but the contest is limited to those in the continental United States.

To get you popping along your way, here are three things that make my heart go pop:

1) The times when my husband surprises me, by picking up a bunch of lovely flowers at the store, for no real reason at all.

2) Standing on the scale at the doc’s office (the only time I weigh myself), and realizing that last night’s six-course dinner with wine pairings did little damage at all. Sweeeeet!

3) Getting to watch my youngest niece walk across the stage to receive her high school diploma, and feeling as if my late-parents were there beside me, beaming with delight.

Now, it’s your turn.

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  • 1) Meandering through a vegetable garden and inhaling the damp earthy soil seasoned with the aromas of tomato vines, pepper plants and cucumbers that I’ve cared for all summer.

    2) Feeling the tug tug on the end of a fishing pole and imagining what tasty treat is pulling on my line (which more often than not ends up being an old boot or seaweed).

    3) Being notified that I’ve won a contest (especially ones involving food!)

  • You know, I’ve been noticing these Popchips everywhere!!! I love things with matte packaging so these always catch my eye.

    Hmmm…as for things that make my heart go Pop!

    1.) That little open-eyed smile nod thing my boyfriend does when he bites into something I’ve made that he likes. I always look out for it when he takes a first taste and it’s fantastic when I see it.

    2.) That sweet moment when you show up at a store and find out that there is only ONE pair of the shoes you love left in your size. And they’re 50% off what they were last week when you were “this close” to buying them but didn’t.

    3.) Packages. I adore receiving packages. They don’t have to be wrapped up in brown paper and tied up with string, but they better have something wonderful inside!

  • 1) Coming home to find my husband in a kitchen, that looks like WWIII just erupted in it, trying to surprise me with a homemade meal.

    2) Seeing hope in the eyes of someone who has just been diagnosed with food allergies as I show them around a grocery store and help them realize their culinary life is not over; it is just beginning.

    3) Watching my family try to play a board game without breaking anything or anyone. We are all a little too competitive for our own good!

  • I just watched that movie last weekend!

    1) Seeing old,arthritic, Yorkie Chad stand up in his window when he hears my car pass by. He used to jump up at everything and bark his head off, but now it is only for me.
    2) Getting a “thank you package” from a classroom I have helped at the letters from the kids are priceless!
    3)Remembering my mom.

  • My mind went straight to food (wonder why).

    1. Fresh peaches. I often say that when I die, I would not want to go in the spring, before the peaches are ready. Give me three more months and in the fall, when the fresh fruit wanes, I will say, “You can take me now, Lord, I have the taste of fresh, juicy peaches in my mouth.”

    2. Chocolate. If you have ever seen a cocoa bean, you have to marvel that somehow, humans figured out how to make that — into THIS!

    3. Slow cooked food. Much like the magic of chocolate, the braising, roasting, and low, slow barbecue magically make multitudes of molecules – literally hundreds of compounds meld to create a flavor explosion. Learn to braise and roast and you will be known as a wizard.

  • 1. When my husband gets misty-eyed when our kids do something that makes him so proud to be a Daddy.

    2. Sourdough toast with loads of butter and fresh, homemade jam.

    3. Crossing things off my to-do list.

  • 1) Seeing my rescued kitten snuggle up to my 85 pound mutt while he’s sleeping.
    2) My fiance swimming in the Delaware River with me.
    3) Watching the Delaware River from my back window.

  • 1. Finding the perfect pair of shoes in my size…and on sale!

    2. Another day that my mom feels good. She’s about to turn 85 and since her pacemaker was put in last fall, she’s as energetic as a 75 year old.

    3. Unexpectedly being “friended” by someone I didn’t realize I missed until I heard from them via Facebook.

  • 1. Seeing my dogs’ wagging tails when I come home from work.

    2. Watching my 75 year old grandpa leave me in the dust while we hike a mountain.

    3. Whenever I see my boyfriend.

  • 1. When my husband does something unexpected, like doing the dishes or laundry, because he knows it makes me happy.

    2. Remembering my loving grandmother and her zest for life. I hope I live up to her memory and that she’s proud of me.

    3. Honestly, Popchips make my heart go pop! My sister introduced me to them a few months ago and I fell in love! (Unfortunately I’ve only been able to try two flavors as they’re hard to find where I live)

  • 1. having my 2 year old daughter walk into a room and proudly exclaim “whatcha doin” is absolutely adorable
    2. walking through any histric building and getting the rush of adrenaline when you realize your walking in the footsteps of so many other people
    3. sitting in the stands of any baseball field, little league up to the pros, and having someone hit a homerun, the buzz and electricity that instantly fills the crowd is like the first time everytime

  • 1. Smelling fresh herbs

    2. Looking at the produce at the San Rafael farmers market on Sunday in summertime

    3. Having my daughter tell me I am the greatest dad in the world…and then asking for ice cream.


  • 1) cinnamon gelato. enough said.
    2) the enlightenment that comes from a hike on mt. tam or any other beautiful spot.
    3) looking around my dinner table and seeing the laughing and smiling faces of my closest friends.

    PS – i’m a new follower, and just had to say i heart this blog! not sucking up for the win, just wanted to put it out there! 🙂

  • 1) Foods that taste great, but are all natural
    2) Going for a long run on a Sunday with friends and making a gourmet breakfast to refuel after
    3) Sitting on a dock, late at night, watching the moon’s reflection in the water

  • 1) Random acts of kindness by perfect strangers. Random, kind, perfect.
    2) Watching my boyfriend’s ears raise ever so slightly as he smiles at some goofy nonsense I just said.
    3) The moment I return to reflect on a story or poem I’d once written, something I once thought insignificant and dull, and ask aloud, to quote Kurt Vonnegut, “How the hell did I do that?”

  • Things that make my heart go pop:
    1) heart palpitations
    2) heart attacks
    3) cardiac arrhythmia

  • 1) the perfect bacon cheeseburger

    2) recognition of a job well done

    3) the day my cat finally stopped hiding the sound of the doorbell. He’s a rescue and was suspected of having been abused. He looked dejected and shy—in his cage at the shelter. He looks almost like a changed cat now.

  • 1) Being surprised by husband, with dinner, flowers or just a kiss.
    2) Finding a piece of mail–real mail, from real friends, with real conversation–in my mailbox.
    3) Seeing my dog’s tail wag, as he charges at me, when I walk in the door.

  • 1) On a recent camping trip, 2 of the 3 anglers (catch-and-release) in our group each caught golden trout – an elusive, wiley native species found only at elevations above 10,000 feet.
    2) While the above group exchanged high-fives, my dog also gave a high-five – his first spontaneous response to this trick he only recently learned.
    3) Hitting the 26.2 mark of a marathon.

  • 1 – waking up to a bustling farmer’s market in the morning and picking up breakfast on my way to work
    2 – the smell of bread baking in the oven
    3 – coming home to a dinner of bone marrow and pork belly after a hard workout.

  • 1. When Nate is smiling and his eyes crinkle in just that certain way…be still my heart!
    2. Holding my daughter’s hand while we cross the street and realizing how precious that moment is and how trusting and tiny her hand is in mine.
    3. going to the farmer’s market at the end of the day and getting really good deals and also finding new ingredients to try.
    4. Really fresh, ripe, and juicy stone fruits in summer!

  • 1. Finding out that there are more than one flavor of Popchips! I have only seen them in Costco, and and not ashamed to admit that I can plow through a bag by myself within a couple of days.

    2. My brother moving from CA to Atlanta, and getting married all within the span of one month.

    3. Writing a letter to Santa during the Macy’s Make a Wish promotion, and asking for my hubby to get a job, and for the laptop I have been wanting for the last 3 years. Telling no one that I had written the letter, and both came true, hubby completely surprised me with the computer, and he was offered a job at the end of December – yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!

  • Not entering but just wanted to say I have a popchips pop. I had tried to find them locally and couldn’t so when I saw them in a store in Seattle a few weeks ago, I grabbed a bag for our road trip home. Somewhere on the coast of Oregon I pulled them out from the “goodies bag” and my husband and I snacked on them on the drive. I have a wonderful memory of me feeding him popchips while he drove, taking in the scenery and just talking and having a wonderful day. I can’t think of popchips now without thinking of those moments!

  • Sasha from San Francisco

    Who doesn’t love potato chips!? And this one is healthy even better!

    1. Watching my students grow every year into amazing human beings who learn how to carry their heritage and culture through their own outlets of reinventing food, dance and art.

    2. I have grown up living 8 houses from my best friend since we were 8 years old. Every summer, we would sit in her driveway and watch the sunset while the heat pavement kept us warm until the stars came out to play. We didn’t even have to say a word to each other…it was always perfect. It is our fondest memory/tradition and this summer I turned 23 🙂

    3. Having any of my food photos published on Tastespotting, FoodGawker, or Photograzing!

  • 1) Stumbling in to the kitchen in the morning, all bleary and groggy and not quite awake, and discovering that my beloved husband has put a single fresh-picked rose in a vase next to my cup of tea 🙂

    2) Turning to look back down the aisle at the beginning of our older son’s long-ago graduation from junior high school and discovering that, as the tallest Honor Roll graduate, he was leading the entire procession with a 500 watt smile on his face!

    3) Dreaming very vividly one night many years ago that my father came to the side of my bed and was talking to me affectionately for about fifteen minutes before he said he had “to go now” , and waking up a few hours later to an early-morning phone call from my mother saying she had waited for a decent hour in my time zone to tell me that my Daddy’d died.

  • PS: Sadly, I too have discovered the magic of popchips at Costco (damn those free samples!) but had no idea there were more than the two flavors they carry. Note to food PR people: this blog marketing stuff? It works!

  • The contest is officially closed now. Read Food Gal on Monday to find out who won, and to enter a new contest with an even grander prize.

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