Sweet Limes
Meet sweet limes that look like lemons and taste like candy.
Believe it.
I found these at the Santa Clara farmers market last weekend, selling for $2 a pound. I had to do a double-take when I spied the sign that stated that these bright yellow fruit were limes.
Yup, limes that look like rounder lemons and have barely any acid in them. You can peel them and eat them out of hand as you would a tangerine with no resulting pucker whatsoever. The peel smells of lemon and the flesh tastes like a sweet, watered down version of a lime crossed with a grapefruit.
Super juicy and refreshing, sweet limes are native to South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Mediterranean, according to Wikipedia.
They’d be great tossed into a fruit salad or a green one with fennel.
Or just hand a whole one to a friend to eat and watch the reaction.
More Intriguing Produce: Real Wasabi
And: Buddha’s Hand
And: Finger Limes
Oooh I want to try those!
What an interesting produce.
I love coming across this fabulous “new” items and learning how to incorporate them into my cooking and baking.
*kisses* HH
Those sound really interesting! I’ll have to look for them at my local farmer’s market next time I’m there.
Now these look like some good candy! I’ve seen yellowish limes, but not all the way like yours. Aren’t farmers’ markets the best to find great things! Nice to have found your blog!
How cool! There are so many interesting citrus variations out there. My 3yo likes to eat conventional limes, I can’t stand to watch.
that’s probably a mexican lima from the desctiption you did. they’re amazing for making marmalade and cake
I bet they’d make great lime bars.
I just love wandering through the Farmers’ Market on a weekend morning! I’ve discovered so many fruits, veggies and other unique products, and it’s so educational chatting with the people who bring them all to market.
Is this considered a variety of a lime or a lemon? And does it have a name? It’ll be sad, though, if you saw a lemon and thought it was a lime and bit into it. No matter how much I love lemons, I don’t think I could simply just bite into them!
Amazing. I live in Florida and have never seen them. Will look more closely when next I go to the market.
I have had Buddha’s hand …such fun and nobody has a clue.
These are SO cool! I’ve never seen anything like it. I’d love to try them. Wonder if I could find something like that around here…
Never seen them in SE Asia…awww…what have I been doing????
Now, we should also look out for the sour “sweetest fruit”, ya? ;p
I love citrus, and especially the “milder” versions… I’ll have to look for these! I go to several Farmers’ Markets in the area but have never been to the one in Santa Clara…
Congratulations for winning the 100$ NOVICA gift certificate.
Have a great week ♥
Those look totally like lemons… I have to look for them in Virginia
Um, yum! I want some.
Ana: Thanks so much. I was shocked when Rosa at Rosa’s Yummy Yums blog told me I’d won. As many giveaways that I hold on my own blog, it’s rare that I win any on other blogs. I guess my luck has changed. LOL
I m a great fan of citrus! I love the shape n hopefully I can find some in London!
They sound so interesting! Although like you I would have just thought that they were lemons. Maybe they should make them a different colour altogether!
Intriguing! They do look like lemons. Native to S.East Asia? Must not be Malaysia then..don’t think I’ve ever seen these…Gorgy pics!
oohh, these sound interesting! I hope I see them around sometime!
Amazing! We had some great little limes in Mali recently–from Algeria, I heard–that were superb. Amazing how these little fruit can be so varied.
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