A Meat-y Opening

Atkins lovers will be in heaven

Pampas, the first churrasco-style restaurant in the South Bay, opens its doors tonight at 529 Alma St. in downtown Palo Alto.

For $44, carnivores can enjoy more than a dozen meats in unlimited quantities, carved at the table from traditional churrasco-style skewers. Oh my! For lighter eaters, a la carte entrees ($18-$36) are available.

Skewers at the ready. Photo by Chris Schmauch.

Pampas also features creative cockails, and one of the largest collections of cachacas (Brazilian brandy made with sugar cane) on the West Coast. Cheers to that!

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  • Last week, the crew of Pampas invited me and my hubby, Meat Boy, to try the restaurant. Yes, they knew it was Food Gal in their midst. I can’t say if they took any extra care with the food because of that. All I can say is that I was thoroughly impressed. The quality of the ingredients used is superb _ from the top-notch offerings at the salad bar (including the stick-to-your-ribs bean-meat stew, feijoada) to the actual grilled meats, themselves. Don’t miss the frango (marinated, then grilled, chicken thighs). It’s some of the moistest, tastiest chicken I’ve ever had. For $44 per person for unlimited meats and unlimited salad bar, it’s a pretty darn good deal. As for my hubby? Meat Boy was in meat heaven.

  • Actually, its cachaca. Ha! Interesting to know what brazilian style rodizio (thats what we call it) cost in the USA. The cheapest cost $5,00 USDollars, the most expensive probably cost 45 USDollars.


  • Thanks for catching that. It’s been corrected. Wow, there are some rodizios that cost only $5?? What a deal! I am definitely hooked on this style of eating. I hope many more open in this country.

  • This sounds like my kind of place! Now if only someone would open something like this in Vancouver. I imagine it won’t be long though, this is a great idea.

  • If you’re ever in Las Vegas, Pampas does have another restaurant there, too, on the famed Strip. With the Canadian dollar so strong, maybe it’s time for you to treat yourself to rodizio in the states. 😉

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