The personality of moms encapsulated in a baked treat.
It’s been an unbelievable 11 years now since my Mom passed away. I still think about her nearly every day, too.
I’m sure all daughters brag about their mother being incredibly kind, thoughtful and gracious. But mine definitely was.
Still, there were moments that she offered up an opinion that I could have done without at the time, but now leaves me in stitches in hindsight.
When I was a teenager, I once came slinking into the kitchen, feeling thoroughly self-conscious after looking in the mirror that morning, only to have my Mom proclaim loudly, “You know you have a big pimple THERE.” Uh, yes, I do know, Mom. Thanks A LOT, A WHOLE LOT.
There was the time in my 20s when I came home for a visit, and the first thing my Mom said was, “Those pants make you look fat.” Oh, great.
And of course there was the long ago time that I brought a boyfriend over for her to meet, whom I thought she would adore, only to have her tell me afterward, “I don’t like him. He doesn’t put you first.” But Mom, you just don’t know him well enough yet…
She may have been blunt, as only an Asian mom can be. But darned if she wasn’t right in every one of those cases — and so many more.
If she were still here this Mother’s Day, I would bake her these “Cranberry Roly Poly” treats. Because she always loved to see the joy I got from cooking and baking. Because cranberries offer up both sweetness and tartness. Because every mother-daughter relationship has moments of both those extremes. And because if you’re lucky, as I was, they will balance each other out in the end, leaving you both with an honest and respectful love.
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