New Potatoes with Mustard Oil Herb Salsa

Some like it hot.
Not the scorching inferno down the throat type.
But a clear-the-sinuses, combustion-of-the-nose kind of way.
Like wasabi or horseradish.
Only, this happens to be golden, viscous mustard oil.
It offers a similar kick in the nostrils, but also has a sharpness and nuttiness. It also has a high smoke point, making it versatile enough to use either as a finishing or cooking oil.
I had a chance to play around with it after receiving a sample of Yandilla Mustard Seed Oil ($22.95 for a 500ml bottle), made in Australia.

It bills itself as the only food-grade mustard oil in the United States that is FDA approved, thanks to its very low level of erucic acid.
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